Securing safe and successful transitions for International Students.


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来源:  发布日期:2021/1/14  点击次数:1418

Student Charter of Principles


A student of the Toronto Catholic District School Board (hereinafter, the “Board”) is assured that the Board adheres to the following principles:



1. A student is entitled to reasonably participate in decisions that affect his/her education and school life.

1. 学生有资格合理参与制定影响其教育和学校生活的决定。

2. The Board will pursue equity and inclusion for all students of the Board.

2. 教育局将秉持对所有学生的公平和包容

3. A student is entitled to a spiritually, socially, emotionally and physically safe, and positive, school environment, where he/she is respected and treated in a manner consistent with our Catholic values and teachings.

    3. 学生将在教育局内受到符合天主教价值观的教导,在精神、社交和身心得到尊重的对待。

4.  A student is entitled to yearly access to available extra-curricular activities.

    4. 学生每年有权参与各类课外活动。

5.  A student is entitled to effective and qualified instruction, including having reasonable access to the resources and adequate learning environment necessary for success.

    5. 学生将得到合格有效的指导,包括各类能够助其走向成功所必须的合理资源适当环境。

6.A student is entitled to elect student representation.

    6. 学生有权选举学生代表。

7.  A student is entitled to advocate for himself/herself or to choose another advocate without a fear of ageism or any other form of discrimination.

    7. 学生有权进行自我辩护,或选择其他人为其进行辩护,而不必惧怕针对年龄或其他形式的歧视。

8.   A student is entitled to communicate by phone with his or her parent, designated guardian, or school staff in case of personal distress or emergency.

    8. 学生有权在遇到困难或发生紧急状况是用电话联络其父母,指定监护人或学校工作人员。

9.  A student is entitled to have school rules, regulations and policies applied with consistency, fairness, and compassion.

    9. 学校针对学生的规章制度和政策具有关爱,公平和一致性。

10.  A student is entitled to a respectful dialogue with the school Principal and staff, to raise concerns and to have them addressed.

    10. 学生有权与校长和学校工作人员以尊重的方式谈话,表达其关注事项并得到他们的帮助。

These principles are subject to such reasonable limits as prescribed by law and Toronto Catholic District School Board Policies and are subject to the financial resources provided by the Ministry of Education in Ontario to the Toronto Catholic District School Board.





Parent Charter of Principles


A parent or guardian of a child who is a student of the Toronto Catholic District School Board (hereinafter, the “Board”), is assured that the Board adheres to the following principles:


1. The Board will provide a faith-based publicly funded school with education grounded in Catholic doctrine, traditions and teachings for your child.

    1. 教育局将为您的孩子提供基于信仰的公立学校,以天主教教义、传统和教学为基础的教育。

2. A parent or guardian will have opportunities for involvement in his/her child’s education.

    2. 学生家长和监护人将有机会参与到孩子的教育中。

3. A parent or guardian is entitled to a reasonable expectation that his/her child is learning in a safe, healthy, caring and accessible school, free of discrimination, prejudice, bullying and harassment.

    3. 家长和监护人有权期待其子女在一个安全、健康、关爱和方便的学校学习,不受歧视、偏见、欺凌和骚扰。

4. A parent or guardian is entitled to a reasonable expectation that his/her child’s spiritual, physical, emotional, mental, social and academic needs are met.

    4. 家长和监护人有权期待其子女在精神、身体、情感、以及学术等方面的教育需求得到满足。

5. The Board will provide curriculum delivery consistent with our Catholic faith and provincial requirements.

    5. 教育局将提供符合我们天主教教义以及安省要求的课程。

6. The Board will provide your child appropriate materials, resources, and technologies consistent with the requirements of the curriculum.

    6. 教育局将为您的孩子提供与课程要求一致的适用材料、资源和技术。

7. A parent or guardian is entitled to communicate, to comment, to raise concern(s), or to register complaint(s) in a respectful manner to Board staff, and to the Board of Trustees, without fear of unjust repercussions and to have his/her question, concern or complaint acknowledged with a response within a reasonable time in a respectful manner.

    7. 家长或监护人有权以尊重的方式与教育局工作人员以及教育局监督委员进行联络,提出意见关注或投诉,并得到相应回复,而不必担心受到不公平的影响。

8. The Board will keep confidential your child’s records in accordance with Board policies and applicable legislation.

    8. 教育局将依据有关政策和法律严守您孩子的档案信息。

9. A parent or guardian will have access to all of his/her child’s education records and is entitled to meet with Board staff to discuss his/her child’s progress, in accordance with applicable legislation.

    9. 家长或监护人可以了解其子女的成绩记录并在符合适用法律的条件下有权约见教育局工作人员讨论孩子的发展情况。

10. A parent or guardian is entitled to have any special needs assessments addressed by Board designated professionals within reasonable timelines.

    10. 家长或监护人有权在合理时间范围内接受由教育局指定的专业人士进行的任何特殊需求评估。

11. A parent or guardian is entitled to available information about his/her child’s school, school board, teachers, administrators, facilities, policies, procedures, and programs within a reasonable time and consistent with privacy law and other applicable legislation.

    11. 家长或监护人有权在合理时间内,在符合隐私条框和其他适用法律的条件下获取有关其子女的学校、教育局、教师、管理人员、设施、政策、程序和课程等方面的信息。

12. The Board will apply Board rules, regulations, and individual school policies with transparency, consistency, fairness and compassion.  

    12. 教育局将秉持透明、一致、公平和关爱的原则遵守教育局条例,规定以及学校政策。

These principles are subject to such reasonable limits as prescribed by law and Toronto Catholic District School Board Policies and are subject to the financial resources provided by the Ministry of Education in Ontario to the Toronto Catholic District School Board.



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